Typography and titles for teaser trailer
One thing I noticed about the typography in the 'Taken 3' teaser trailer was that all three of the titles that appeared were in the same font, in either the colour of white or red, I felt that the red symbolised blood, danger and death.
The first title to appear was the month of when the film would be released and the font had an almost grainy effect to it as if it was deteriorating or bits were falling off - liked old paint - this may give the idea that the main character in the film is older or may still not be within the career they used to be. It appears over top of a blackscreen and this is so the audience just focus on the writing especially with the size as well, the production team want the audience to know the release date so they have made it the most eye catching thing on the screen by making everything else very plain and simple.
Next, is the title of the film as well as the main characters (most famous actor in the film) name; it is the same font and colours with the same style, however the title of the film takes centre place and is the largest title in this shot as it is the title of the film, however Liam Neeson's name is just above the title and the reason why his name gets placed in such an important shot is because he is a very famous actor with many fans and this will attract most Liam Neeson fans to go and watch the film just because they saw his name above the title, again it is in front of a black screen making it more eye-catching.
The last title is just saying the exact date of the film however this is the smallest size of font out of all three of the titles that are featured in this teaser trailer, this is most likely because as it only a teaser trailer and not the official theatrical trailer then the exact date is not as important to have in this trailer and this shot is literally up for 1 second or 2 so it doesn't really even give you much time to read the exact release date, it is very unconventional for a teaser trailer to prevail the exact release date. Also, in this title shot is a twitter '#' which is also in small font as it is only for twitter users who will look out for hashtags when watching the film, and studio, distribution and exhibition logos, these a tiny because they are not exactly relevant or important to the audience watching the teaser trailer, but it is a legal requirement to include them.
Typography and titles for a film poster

Here, the 'Taken 3' poster has used the same colours for the font and the same font type as they had in the teaser trailer, However, it doesn't have the deteriorated effect that the teaser trailer did and that's probably because the trailer was a moving picture therefore the font didn't need to be as clear because the rest of the trailer gave away what film it was and therefore the font could have some character to it, but this poster is all there is therefore the font needs to be strong and clear for audiences and readers to be able to read. Although, a similarity is that the poster also features Liam Neeson's name just like the teaser trailer did and this is to attract his fans as he is a very famous character the font of his name is quite big as well. As the poster is not a moving picture with no audio, they have used one of Liam Neeson's quotes from the film that does feature in the teaser trailer, but also because these films have been a series it could be a hint to audiences that this will be the last film in the series.
Typography and titles for a magazine cover
The title of film looks like blood being splattered across the front of the cover, and obviously it's in red which resembles the colour of blood, this implies that death or violence is featured in the film, or that a murder occurs attracting audiences that enjoy these types of films, also the colour of the title stands out compared to the rest of the dark, gloomy colours on the page, and this means it draws readers eyes towards the title which is the most important thing.
The rest of the titles on the page are made to match the title that names the film, for example the 'GREATEST MOVIE ART EVER' is in the same font (blood splattered) and colour, and the rest of the titles have red incorporated into them.
Also, having the name of the film in the largest font also helps to catch the readers eyes, compared to smaller subtitles that are in white that are of less importance because they are just naming other articles that are inside the magazine, which the reader will find out oncve they purchase and read the magazine, however these articles will link to the main feature (the film), for example there are a list of other films that have also been reviewed inside the magazine.