Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Research: Presentation showing understanding of Genre as applied to my three artefacts

As action/crime is quite a vague genre to cover, I felt my teaser trailer fell into the thriller genre. I have looked up some of the top thriller films in the world:

  • Divergent
  • Lucy 
  • The Expendables
  • The Dark Knight
  • Pulp Fiction

From researching, the main feature to include in thrillers is suspension, I will need to make sure my teaser trailer keeps my audience on the edge of their seats, therefore I'll need to try and include some anticipation in the teaser trailer.

In a previous post on my blog I made a Prezi about the typical rules on how to make a teaser trailer, and in this Prezi post I have also included a YouTube video on how to make teaser trailers.

Next, I wanted to research the generic conventions of a film magazine cover:
Film magazine front covers from sophieyates

I also found this YouTube video, explaining what is usually included on the front of a film magazine and why it is included, this video and the slideshare above will help me when it comes to making my own magazine cover for my thriller film:

And finally, I done some research into the typical conventions of a film poster:

This first image points out the typical and obvious conventions to include on a film poster, and what sort of effect or mood that these features create when the audience look at it.

1 comment:

  1. to extend marks and evidence at the higher levels you now need to upload your own analysis of existing posters in the style you intend to challenge or follow
