Monday, 15 September 2014

Planning: Storyboard for my teaser trailer with further annotations

Storyboard from Emily Smith on Vimeo.

Slide 1: the close up of the father and mothers feet walking up the drive towards the front door in slow motion, in this shot the audience will hear the mother call out "Boys, we're home." There will be no reply to this, throughout this shot there will be no music nor sound which will help to build the suspense, I would like this shot to be filmed at night time.
Slide 2: a close up of the fathers finger switching on the light when they get in the house, it will be dark as it is nighttime and all the lights are off, however you will be able to see the fathers finger and the switch. It ill still be silent until you hear the flick of the switch and the explosion straight afterwards, after you hear the flick of the switch the screen will fade to white as the explosion noise goes off, this will represent the lights being switched on and also the disorientation/blindness from the gas explosion and blinding white light of death which will be the last thing the father and mother see.
Slide 3: now the white screen will fade into a shot of the two brothers faces (close-up) and they are at the cemetery where there parents have been buried, preferably I'd like this to be filmed in the morning and I'd like the sky to be dull grey but you can't predict what the weather will be like on the day of filming, this shot should only last two seconds and I want there to be a church bell chime on the 2nd second, this will amplify the emptiness that the brother's feel and their grief.
Slide 4: now we will go back to a long shot of the brothers still grieving at the cemetery, however in the background over their shoulders there is a mysterious woman standing under the trees watching them, as the camera cross zooms from the boys to the woman and focuses on her she turns away, and finally the last church bell chime is heard.
Slide 7: fast-paced, tense music kicks in now as the statement "SECRETS CAN RUIN LIVES" appears on the screen in bold, capital, white letters on a black background.
Slide 8: running and fighting scenes of the two brothers.
Slide 9: finally, the music now cuts off and it is back to being silent, there is one shot of the name of the film in white, bold, capital letters on a black background (I haven't decided on a name for the film yet but I will do later on and I will upload a post on choosing the name when I have done) and the next shot will be of the words "COMING SOON" in white, bold, capital letters on a black background.

I have added some new shots and changed some of the shots to create more of an engima, and a variety of different shots, as well as explaining my story more; because originally I was struggling for audiences to have any assumption of what was going on which may have been slightly off-putting as they may think it would be too complicated to follow, (also because it had no sound this also didn't help to reveal the story) therefore these new ideas for shots should help fix this. Also I will not be having the church chimes in my teaser trailer anymore.
I have kept the shot of the brothers running but will be getting rid of the one of them fighting as when I tried filming it it looked too staged.
When I showed the filming of the teaser trailer I was told that it was unclear sometimes as to what was going on and who it was that had died. Therefore, I have added a shots of one of the brothers looking at photos of a baby that he does not know about and another shot of one of the brothers pointing a gun at the other saying that he "doesn't know who to trust anymore" and this helps relate the teaser trailer to the title of the film as well.

Update 2
Another comment I have been given is that it is unsure of who is walking towards the house and have died, therefore I have filmed another shot of the mother arguing with one of her sons, this also adds suspicion that it may be one of the boys who killed the parents, but just as the shot of the other brother who is pointing the gun also then adds suspicion that it may be him.

1 comment:

  1. excllent generation of ideas
    Is it possible to produce an animatic in some way - that would enrich the post and present your idea in a more interactive way
