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After |
This photo was taken from one of the clips that feature in the teaser trailer, however I staged it again and chose to take it from a different angle, so that the two main character's were both equal in the photo and both the main focus, and this was also created on PicMonkey. There was a lot of work to be done to this photo before it was exactly how I wanted it. First of all, I cropped the picture slightly to make the boys more of the attraction and eye-catching feature on the poster, then I needed to 'Sharpen' the focus of the picture, and also make it darker as it is a dark scene that has been photographed; to do this, again I used the 'Dark Edges' effect, to draw in the focus on the characters, and then I used the 'Black and White' effect and faded it quite a lot until it was to the point of where I wanted it. After this I chose to star adding the text to the poster, and again I used the same, simple texts that I used for my other portrait picture, also using the quote from the teaser trailer again as this would link the two posters together, as well as linking them both to the teaser trailer; also adding the quote to both posters adds enigma, making the audience question what the secret is. In this one however, I chose to add the date that the film comes out on, and the name of all three main actors that feature in the film, as this is a larger poster that will feature in more places.
For this poster, not only will it feature on the billboards as it is landscape with the two hero's on the front, but on the front of my magazine cover I am also going to have a piece of text mentioning that there is a poster inside the film magazine of my film 'Unknown' and it will be this poster, again linking my two ancillary products together.