Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Production: Using the Marantz

The marantz is what I used to record my two bits of dialogue that appear overtop of shots where you do not see the character actually talking, so in my case where the vicar is conducting the funeral but the shot is of the two brothers, and when one of the brothers says "I wonder what else mum and dad were hiding from us." Over top of the clip where he is looking at the mysterious baby pictures.

IMG 2349[1] from Emily Smith on Vimeo.

Next, I used the marantz for a wild track as well, I felt as the clips of them at the graveyard are the only outdoors scenes where there is quiet music playing, then I would also record a wildtrack of the wind to have in the background to add to the effect of them being outside.

Finally, I used the marantz for the foleying noise of the gunshot at the beginning when he flicks the light, and to do this I used two large empty crisp packets and got my dad to blow air into them and then smack them so it made the loud bang, and then to have a bit of a snap to the gunshot as well I recorded myself smacking a placemat against the table.

IMG 2357[1] from Emily Smith on Vimeo.

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